March 26, 2025



 Risk MAP resources in the presentation slides. Digital access to the maps are available at the following link: Flood Map Changes Viewer ( , as well as FEMA Map Service Center and FEMA Preliminary Data Download .

FEMA Region 8’s new Water Surface Elevation Viewer is a fantastic resource that is now available and can be utilized to access BFEs with just a point/click. The viewer for both the 1% and 0.2% annual chance events can be found here:



Load limits have been placed on Clark County roads effective February 17, 2017.


WHEREAS the County of Clark, South Dakota, is responsible for the maintenance of certain  highways under its jurisdiction,

WHEREAS it appears that said highways, by reason of deterioration, rain, snow or other climatic conditions will be seriously damaged or destroyed unless the use of vehicles thereon is prohibited or restrictions as to the weight of vehicles are imposed, and

WHEREAS the County of Clark lacks the scale equipment with which to enforce road weight limits

NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to SDCL 32-14-16, and any laws amendatory thereto, be it resolved that the load limit on Clark County roads within the County of Clark, South Dakota, shall be seven ton per axle for a full 75 day period from or after March 01, 2017.

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that there shall be erected and maintained signs designating the provisions of this Resolution as provided by State Law and that this Resolution shall not be effective until or unless such signs are erected and maintained.

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the County of Clark shall request the South Dakota Highway Patrol Motor Carrier Enforcement Officer to enter the County of Clark with scales adequate to weigh motor vehicles to insure compliance with State Laws pertaining to vehicle weight, and with the weight laws established by this Resolution.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that all asphalt roads will be posted at 7 ton per axles and 45 mph for trucks. Trucks 45 mph year round on all asphalt roads. Gravel will be posted as needed. Paved County Roads within the County of Clark, South Dakota, shall be 45 Miles Per Hour from January 1, to December 31 of each year, commencing with the year 2017. Refer to Resolution 98-23. Clark County request the South Dakota Highway Patrol Motor Carrier Enforcement Officer to enter the County of Clark to enforce the speed limit on all Clark County Roads. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be effective each and every year hereafter unless repealed or modified by duly enacted Resolution.

Dated at Clark, South Dakota, this 3rd, day of January 2017.

/s/ Violet Wicks_____________

Chairperson, Board of County

Commissioners of Clark County

ATTEST: /s/ Christine Tarbox Clark County Auditor