2024 Elections
South Dakota Primary Election will be held June 4, 2024
A Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, in all the voting precincts in Clark County.
The election polls will be open from seven o’clock a.m. to seven o’clock p.m. central standard time on the day of the election.
The polling place in each precinct of this county is as follows:
#1: Blaine Township, Cottonwood Township, Spring Valley Township, Warren Township and Town of Bradley at the Bradley Community Center, Bradley SD.
#2: Woodland Township, Thorp Township and Mt Pleasant Township at the Ullyot Building, City Hall, Clark, South Dakota.
#3: Raymond Township, Logan Township, Ash Township, Raymond Town at the Raymond Fire Hall, Raymond SD.
#4. Maydell Township, Eden Township and Town of Garden City at the Garden City Fire Hall Community Room, Main Street, Garden City SD.
#5/6. Day Township, Elrod Township, Foxton Township and Town of Naples at the Ullyot Building, City Hall, Clark S.SD.
#7: Lake Township, Washington Township, Pleasant Township, Town of Vienna at Grace Lutheran Church in Willow Lake SD.
#8: Town of Willow Lake and Collins Township – at the Willow Lake Community Center, Willow Lake SD.
#9: Garfield Township, Lincoln Township, Darlington Township and Merton Township at Ullyot Building, City Hall, Clark SD.
#10: Fordham Township, Richland Township, Hague Township Rosedale Township at the Carpenter Community Center, Carpenter, SD.
#11: City of Clark, Ward I at the Clark Legion Hall, Clark, SD.
#12: City of Clark, Ward II at the Clark Legion Hall, Clark SD.
#13: City of Clark, Ward III at the Clark Legion Hall, Clark SD.
Any voter who needs assistance, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, may contact the county auditor at 605 532 5921 before the election for information on polling place accessibility for people with disabilities.
Christine Tarbox, County Auditor
Clark County
Notice is hereby given to the public, the county chair of each political party with a candidate on the ballot, any independent candidate or candidate without party affiliation on the ballot , and the ballot question committees for or against an initiated or referred measure or initiated constitutional amendment, that the automatic tabulating equipment will be tested to ascertain that it will correctly count the votes for all offices and measures that are to be cast at the Primary Election held on the 4th day of June, 2024.
The test will be conducted on the 28th day of May, 2024 at 9:00 o’clock a.m. at the following location: Clark County Commissioner Room, 2nd Floor, 200 North Commercial Street, Clark County Courthouse, Clark SD 57225.
Dated this 22th day of May, 2024.
_____Christine Tarbox________________
Person in charge of election
South Dakota General Election will be held November 5, 2024
Below is a complete list of the Precincts and locations:
Precinct #1 – Blaine Township, Cottonwood Township, Spring Valley Township, Warren Township and Town of Bradley at Bradley Community Center, Main Street, Bradley SD 57225.
Precinct #2: Woodland Township, Thorp Township, Mt Pleasant Township at the Ullyot Building, Clark City Hall, Clark, SD.
Precinct #3: Raymond Township, Logan Township, Ash and Town of Raymond in the Raymond Fire Hall, Raymond SD.
Precinct #4: Maydell Township, Eden Township and Town of Garden City in the Garden City Fire Hall, Garden City, SD.
Precinct #5 and #6: Day Township, Elrod Township, Foxton Township and Town of Naples at the Ullyot Building, City Hall, Clark SD.
Precinct#7: Washington Township, Pleasant Township, Lake Township and Town of Vienna at the Grace Lutheran Church, Willow Lake, SD.
Precinct #8: Collins and Town of Willow Lake, at the Willow Lake Community Center, Willow Lake, SD.
Precinct #9: Garfield, Lincoln, Darlington and Merton Township at the Ullyot Building in Clark.
Precinct #10: Fordham Township, Richland Township, Hague Township and Rosedale Township at the Carpenter Community Center, Carpenter, SD.
Precinct #11: City of Clark, Ward I at the Clark American Legion, 105 N Commercial St, Clark SD
Precinct #12: City of Clark Ward II at the Clark American Legion, 105 N Commercial St, Clark, SD
Precinct #13: City of Clark Ward III, Lincoln Township at the Clark American Legion, 105 N Commercial St, Clark SD.
If any one would like to serve as an election official, please contact the Auditor office at 605 532 5921.
Any questions can also be directed to the Auditor office.
Thank you